Parkinson's Disease & Physical Therapy

Parkinson's Disease & Physical Therapy. -Sutherland Wyatt, DPT; CPR Physical Therapist. What is Parkinson’s Disease.             Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that affects over 12 million people worldwide with 1 million living in the US. It is the second most prevalent neurological disease (Alzhiemers is first) and can drastically change the quality of life for individuals. Parkinson’s Dise...
Posted on 2023-07-28

Pickleball & Physical Therapy

The Rise of Pickleball and The Role of Physical Therapy in Enhancing Performance and Preventing Injuries. -Brent Little, DPT; Employee of CPR   Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. It can be played both indoors and outdoors on a smaller court. Pickleball has gained tremendous popularity in recent years and is currently one the fastest growing sports, particularly among older adults. Its popularity is due to its accessibility, social ...
Posted on 2023-07-17

Ways to Reduce Inflammation

Alternative Ways to Reduce Inflammation. -By Christy Hall, PTA, CHC, BS; Employee of CPR Physical Therapy+Performance             Do you suffer from swelling in parts of your body due to either a surgery or arthritis? Do you feel like you are elevating as much as possible, and the swelling still persists?  Inflammation is defined by the dictionary as “a local response to cellular injury that is marked by capillary dilatation, le...
Posted on 2023-04-04
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